Who Am I?

Who am I?

What a daunting question. I’ve been trying to figure that out for the past 28 years and this is what I’ve come up with so far. My name is Taylor, and I was born in raised in the same house my entire life. I have a fraternal twin sister, and an older sister and brother. We had a pretty cookie-cutter life, which I am extremely grateful for, and that is probably why I developed such a taste for fantasy and drama. That and I love anything fiction… books, television, and movies.

My love of books didn’t really hit until I went away to college. I dabbled in a few tales when I was in my grade-school years, but college is when it really took off. So much so that I often shirked my responsibilities as a student to read. I distinctly remember reading Ender’s Game in one day as I avoided working on Chem 2 work, a class which I had to retake… twice.

Even with my love of books, I decided on a career path in medicine. It started as a dream to be a pharmacist which quickly changed after my disastrous Chem 2 efforts. I found myself still drawn toward medicine though and discovered PAs (physician assistant). A few years later, after an intense master’s degree, and accruing extreme student debt, I became a PA. My career started off amazingly and still is. I love my work peeps and how much I am able to help my patients. I continue my work which is firmly grounded in facts and scientific research while writing fantastical, and entirely fictional stories on the side.

Aside from work, I am a lover of animals. Over the years we’ve had cats, dogs, rabbits, hamsters, guinea pigs, and fish. Currently, I have a rabbit called, Princess Leia, and a cat named, Watson. All my pets get named after a great fictional character. Other passions of mine include traveling, paddleboarding, makeup, self-improvement, and music. I don’t play any instruments (although I bought a keyboard which has gone untouched for over a year), but I cannot go one day without playing at least one playlist from my Spotify.

Also, when I say self-improvement, I mean that I am constantly devouring Instagram and YouTube content on all things fitness, nutrition and mindset. Although I am no fitness buff, I enjoy learning about the body (hence my career) and how to improve it, how to make it stronger and functioning at its most efficient level. With that said, I went vegetarian on October 12th of 2020 with the goal of being fully plant-based the rest of my life. I do it for the animals but also for my health and the planet.

There is probably more I could tell you about myself, but those are the key things. What I aimed to do with this blog is to introduce myself to you all, to let you see that I’m just a regular person.

I embark on this new journey, this new career path with hope. I’ve admired authors for their incredible talent, never believing that one day I’d be able to do the same. I wrote though. I wrote my stories in secret, never telling a soul. I wrote over forty stories before I finally plucked up the courage to tell a friend. Then I discovered an entire community of people just like me on Instagram and I believed that I could do it too.

So, please join me on this journey as I start my career as a fiction author.


How I Became an Author